Klaus Spiekermann, Dr.-Ing.
Tel: +49 231 1899 439Fax: +49 231 1891 6972
E-mail: ks@spiekermann-wegener.de
Research fields:
Urban and regional research: structural spatial change, interaction between transport, land use and environment, sustainable spatial development; European spatial development.
Plannning methods: methods of spatial analysis, simulation models, geographic information systems (GIS), integration of GIS und simulation models, visualisation techniques.
Short CV
Michael Wegener, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Tel.: +49 231 1899 441Fax: +49 231 1891 6972
E-mail: mw@spiekermann-wegener.de
Research fields:
Urban and regional research: structural spatial change, demographic change, regional housing markets; interaction between land use, transport and environment; European spatial development.
Planning theory: sytems-theory and political-economy theories of spatial planning; impacts of geographic information systems on spatial planning.
Planning methods: simulation models, evaluation methods, geographical information systems; activity-based microsimulation of land use, transport and environment; simulation of the socio-economic and spatial impacts of European transport networks.
Short CV
Bj rn Schwarze, Dr.-Ing.
Tel: +49 231 1899 443Fax: +49 231 1891 6972
E-mail: bs@spiekermann-wegener.de
Research fields:
Urban and regional research: interactions between transport and land use, population and labour and real estate markets, locational attractiveness and location choice, accessibility, sustainable spatial and transport development.
Planning methods: Geographic information systems (GIS), GIS-based analytical methods, spatial modelling, demographic models, accessibility models, simulation of land use development, integration of GIS and geodata in planning processes.
Short CV
Michaela L dige, B.Sc.Tel: (0231) 1891 6971
Fax: (0231) 1891 6972
E-mail: ml@spiekermann-wegener.de
Tim Thom , B.Sc.
Tel: (0231) 1891 6971
Fax: (0231) 1891 6972
E-mail: tt@spiekermann-wegener.de