We support our customers with well-founded research studies, planning and expert opinions.
Our clients include European institutions, research institutes, federal ministries and associated authorities, state ministries and associated authorities, regions and planning associations, districts, cities, foundations, other public institutions and companies.
The exact form of our work and services is agreed in advance between the customer and us.
Interdependencies between European countries are well known and strongly documented, but this is not the case for the relations between European regions. This new ESPON project aims at providing a new understanding of the interrelations between Europe’s economies at the regional level. To achieve ...
In the project ESPON BT2050 – Territorial Scenarios for the Baltic Sea Region possible spatial developments of the Baltic Sea Region are to be explored. The project aims at the identification of long-term trends and their implications in the Baltic Sea Region and the develoment of three spatial ...
In the ESPON project "Scenarios for Accessibility by the Sea, Road, Rail, Air and Multimodal" S&W determines accessibility patterns to be expected in the future for the regions of Europe. Based on the plans for the trans-European transport networks (TEN-T) road, rail, air and multimodal ...
In the ESPON project "Possible European Territorial Futures" the present situation and expected spatial development of Europe are to be analysed in particular with respect to cohesion aspects. For this the spatial impacts of different developments in the fields of economy, energy and land markets ...
In the ESPON project "Accessibility by the Sea Indicators", S&W determined the maritime accessibility of European seaports. For this purpose, various traffic data were prepared, especially cartographically. This included the traffic volumes and interconnections of the ports as well as the ...
As the basis of an ESPON Policy Brief on the spatial consequences of better regulation following the Institutional Agreement on Better Law-Making of the European Commission, S&W combined the scenarios of the spatial development of Europe they had developed in the ESPON project ET2050 with ...
The ESPON project TRACC (Transport Accessibility at Regional/Local Scale and Patterns in Europe) aimed at taking up and updating the results of existing studies on accessibility at the European scale, to extend the range of accessibility indicators by further indicators responding to new policy ...
S&W conducts an update of indicators of potential accessibility for the ESPON project Matrices. The update consists on the one hand in the new calculation of accessibility indicators fpr the updated European NUTS regions (2010) and on the other other hand in the calculation of the same ...
The ESPON Atlas 2014 is to present a comprehensive overview of key findings of ESPON 2013 projects about European territorial structures, trends and perspectives and policy impacts. The ESPON ATLAS project supports the mission of ESPON of supporting policy development by compiling an "ESPON Atlas ...
The project "Implementation of the Territorial Agenda 2020: Impacts of European Sectoral Policies in Selected Model Regions – Development of Regional Potentials in Connection with the Development of the TEN-T und TEN-E" funded by the Spatial Planning Model Projects Programme (MORO) was to ...
The aim of this project was to develop a vision of the European territory supported by sound scientific knowledge. In a participatory process different groups of stakeholders were involved in developing the vision to widen thematic, temporal and territorial horizons by imagining a future that ...
The objective of the ESPON project "Best Development Conditions in European Metropolises: Paris, Berlin and Warsaw" (BEST METROPOLISES) is to identify factors that determine the development of European metropolitan areas using Paris, Berlin and Warsaw as examples. The diagnosis is to provide data ...
With the start of the new ESPON 2013 Programme a couple of key indicators of the previous programming period were updated. Potential accessibility indicators belong to this group of important indicators for European regions. Since S&W had provided already the update of road and rail ...
HSTimpact was a research project in the framework of two INTEREG IIIB projects, HSTIntegration (HST4i) and HSTconnect. The two projects investigated the development of the high-speed rail network in north-western Europe by focusing on the strategic integration at the regional, national and European ...
In the project for the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs (BMVBS) the results of the ESPON 2006 Programme were reviewed from a German perspective. The results of the project were communicated in a series of reports and workshops with politicians and scientists from Germany. ...
The project for General Directorate Transport and Energy (TREN) of the European Commission aimed at an ex-ante evaluation of several alternative combinations of Eureopen transport projects proposed to be financed in the Programming Period 2007-2013 of the EU multi-annual transport investment ...
In ESPON 1.2.1, S&W had developed potential accessibility indicators for road, rail and air for NUTS-3 regions for the year 2001. These accessibility indicators were used in several ESPON projects and EU documents, among them the Third Cohesion Report of the European Commission. In 2006 ESPON ...
The ESPON project 1.4.4 "Preparatory Study on Feasibility of Flows Analysis" was a feasibility and pilot study preparing for more in-depth research on spatial interactions ("flows") in ESPON 2013. Its main objectives were, building on existing work in ESPON, to give an overview on existing ...
This study for the General Directorate for Regional Policy (REGIO) of the European Commission undertook a strategic evaluation of European transport investment priorities under the Structural and Coehsion Funds in the 15 Cohesion countries of the European Union for the Programming Period 2007-2013. ...
The project ESPON 1.1.3 "Enlargement of the European Union and the Wider European Perspective as regards its Polycentric Spatial Structure" looked at the territory of the European Union with special attention to the discontinuities and potentials of the integration of the twelve new member states ...
The aim of the STEPs project (Scenarios for the Transport System and Energy Supply and their Potential Effects) was to develop, compare and evaluate possible scenarios of the future development of the transport system and energy supply, taking into account the autonomy and security of energy ...
The project ESPON 2.1.1 was to assess the territorial impacts of EU Transport and TEN policies with respect to how much they contribute to the objectives of the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) competitiveness, spatial cohesion and polycentricity. For this the project assessed ...
ESPON 1.2.1 "Transport Services and Networks: Territorial Trends and Basic Supply of Infrastructure for Territorial Cohesion" was to provide an overview of the state and development of the European transport networks of all modes by integrating transport and socio-economic indicators to investigate ...
The objective of ESPON 1.1.1 was to provide the background for a more informed discussion of polycentric development in Europe. For this the project provided an overview of the European urban system with regards to functional specialisations and current degrees of polycentricity as well as a ...
PLUME was a research network in the thematic area "City of Tomorrow" of the 5th Research Framework Programme of the European Union. PLUME built on the projects of the Land Use and Transport Research (LUTR) project cluster and other national and international projects on the integration of urban and ...
The project PROPOLIS ("Planning and Research of Policies for Land Use and Transport for Increasing Urban Sustainability") belonged to the Key Action "City of Tomorrow" of the 5th Framework Programme for Research and Technology Development of the European Union. The objectives of the project were ...
In the project for the Nordic Centre for Spatial Development (Nordregio) a review of accessibility concepts, models and indicators was undertaken. The project concluded the work done in a number of studies applying a European perspective to accessibility and peripherality of the Nordic countries. ...
The term "aspatial peripherality" indicates regional deficits which are often associated with peripheral location but can also appear in centrally located regions. In a time when physical distance or travel cost are less and less restrictions to economic activity, such deficits as insufficient ...
The objective of the study commissioned by the "NERP-EU" Committee of the Nordic Council of Ministers was to assess the peripherality of Nordic regions using accessibility indicators. Specifically, the study was to illustrate differences in travel cost throughout Europe and to show the degree of ...
The objective of this study was to analyse the feasibility of applying an integrated transport and land-use modelling approach to assess the long-term impact of different transport related policies using the urban regions of Bilbao and Helsinki as examples. The task of S&W was to integrate ...
The INTERREG IIC project "The Competitiveness of the Leading European Metropolitan Areas" conducted by the Group for European Metropolitan Areas Comparative Analysis (GEMACA) aimed at generating comparable information and data on the economic development of the major metropolitan regions of ...