Spatial Monitoring Germany and Neighbouring Regions (2015-2017)
The project "Spatial Monitoring Germany and Neighbouring Regions" funded by the Demonstration Projects of Spatial Planning (MORO) of the German government has the aim to develop recommendations for the implementation of a permanent spatial monitoring system for German border regions and neighbouring regions. The core elements of the project include the definition of a comprehensive catalogue of data requirements based on the experience in up to eight model regions and existing cross-border analyses, the definition of a model catalogue of data and indicators for cross-border spatial monitoring, a practical proof of utility through a prototype spatial observation report "Germany in Cross-border Perspective" and the formulation of a road map for the implementation of the approach developed with particulatr attention paid to the potential co-operation of the institutional actors. More details (in German) can be found on the project website of the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR).There you will also find further links to the publications.