Impact Assessment of a Railway Tunnel between Helsinki and Tallinn (2012-2013)
The Aalto University Department of Surveying and Planning, YTK Land Use Planning and Urban Studies Group carried out the Central Baltic Interreg IVA project H-TTransPlan (Helsinki-Tallinn Transport and Planning Scenarios). The objective of the contribution of S&W was to assess the impacts of a railway tunnel between Helsinki and Tallinn on the development of the twin region Helsinki-Tallinn until 2050 considering EU-wide development conditions and external factors, such as the Russian economy, using the regional economic model SASI. In the assessment different scenarios of economic development and different transport networks (tunnel link, Rail Baltica, other TEN-T projects) were considered. The Report of S&W ist available for download. More information can be found at the INTERREG website of the project and the Euregio website.