ESPON 1.4.4: Preparatory Study on Feasibility of Flows Analysis (2006-2007)
The ESPON project 1.4.4 "Preparatory Study on Feasibility of Flows Analysis" was a feasibility and pilot study preparing for more in-depth research on spatial interactions ("flows") in ESPON 2013. Its main objectives were, building on existing work in ESPON, to give an overview on existing research, analytical concepts, indicators and data relevant for flows analysis in ESPON, to demonstrate suitable research methods and to elaborate a proposal for future research projects on flows in ESPON. Partners in ESPON 1.4.4 were S&W as Lead Partner, the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IGiPZ PAN), Warszawa, Poland and TRT Trasporti e Territorio, Milano, Italy. The Final Report of ESPON 1.4.4 can be downladed from the ESPON website.