Small-scale population forecast for the district of Merzig-Wadern (2016)
The district of Merzig-Wadern (Saarland) developed a forward-looking integrated location and mobility concept within the framework of the BMVI model project Long-Term Securing of Supply and Mobility in Rural Areas in order to ensure adequate local supply of public and private services and their accessibility for all population groups through needs-based mobility against the background of a declining and ageing population, changes in mobility and supply behaviour as well as difficult financial room for manoeuvre.
S&W supported the district of Merzig-Wadern in the development of its strategy by providing the necessary information on the expected demographic development. For this purpose, S&W carried out a population forecast for the municipalities from 2015 to 2030 and applied the population distribution model for the spatial disaggregation of the population data to the district and grid level.